Why You Should Join a Fitness Class

Group fitness is back after more than two years of virtual fitness and Peloton classes – and we’re just as happy as you are. While virtual fitness classes at home can definitely be flexible for a busy schedule, nothing beats the energy of a group fitness class.

Joining a small group of like-minded individuals who are all working towards health and fitness goals can have a huge impact on your journey. See below for five reasons to book an in-person class and get the blood pumping.

1. Motivation: We’ve all been there, counting down the reps to a workout while watching the trainer on a screen. No one will know if you quit… So you do. And each time you quit, you miss out on an opportunity to get stronger. But when you’re in a group of people who are all working as hard as they can, you are more likely to stick it out and go for that personal best. Plus – the vibes from the music and your exercise crew will have time fly by.

2. Accountability: You can find a million reasons to not workout – there is only so much time in the day, you’re tired, you don’t want to wash your hair – but if you have made a commitment to a friend, it adds some extra weight to your work out. You are more likely to stick to your fitness routine when you know someone is expecting you to be there with them.

3. Variety: The spice of life – and fitness. It can be boring doing the same thing and maybe you’re too nervous to try something new out at home or you don’t have all the equipment. When you’re in a group fitness class there’s a new set-up each class that will get you sweating and it removes all the effort of planning out a workout because you have someone doing it for you. Bonus!

4. Guidance: Watching someone on screen do a workout is a great option when you’re short on time, sure. But having someone in-person correct your form and assure you that you’re completing the exercise properly is key to not injuring yourself. A great trainer will also tailor the moves so you can advance if you want to or make a modification if you need it.

5. It’s not all physical: Listen, it’s been a lot since 2020 and it’s nice to see people again. It’s not just about the muscles and the reps. Group fitness is so good for your mental health and gives you that much-needed serotonin boost.

Grab a friend and sign up for a group fitness class, or if you’re looking for more support, you can tag-team with a friend on personal training packages. Learn more about what House of Trainers offers here: https://houseoftrainers.ca/training


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