Weight-Loss Success
When you are starting out on your health and fitness journey, there are many types of goals you can set for yourself – you can aim to get stronger, build endurance, and – for many, lose weight. And like all things, the trick to seeing the numbers on the scale change is simply that there is no trick – the key is to approach weight loss in a sustainable manner to achieve long-term success.
Be Realistic
Typically, the experts agree that losing one to two pounds per week is a safe and sustainable rate for weight loss. In order to achieve that, you would need to have a calorie deficit of roughly 500 to 1,000 calories per day. It’s important to note, that everybody is different, and you want to account for factors like body composition, metabolism, and health issues when calculating the amount of calories you consume. A personalized nutrition plan can also help – check out our options here.
Don’t Rush
If your goal is to lose weight, you have to understand that it’s important to do it in a sustainable way, or you can impact your health. Losing weight in a gradual and consistent way may seem like it’s taking a long time, but the results will last. If you lose weight too quickly, there is a chance you can suffer muscle loss, nutritional deficiencies, and other health issues.
Add in Some Exercise
If you incorporate regular exercise into your routine, not only are you going to support your weight-loss efforts, but you will also improve the maintenance of muscle mass, boost your metabolism, and enhance overall fitness. So get to the gym!
Don’t skimp on Self-Care
We say it every time – a good night’s sleep makes a big difference. Get into a routine and skip the screen time before bed to improve your sleep quality, which can help to reduce stress levels.
Give the Scale a Break
It may be tempting to step on the scale to see how much progress you are making, but it can get you into a negative state of mind. Look for wins in other ways – how much you’ve toned your arms, how long you can run before you take a break or how heavy you can lift. Keeping a positive outlook is key to a successful health and fitness journey.
Get Help From a Pro
Whether you’re looking for a nutritional plan or a personalized workout with a trainer, we’ve got you covered. Book your free assessment today. See here for details.