The Holistic Approach to Fitness: Why It's More Than Just Exercise
As we swap out lemonade for pumpkin spice lattes, it’s a good time to stop and evaluate what your goals are for the next few months.
Whether you’re embarking on a wellness journey or continuing one you kicked off in the summer, it’s important to look at the big picture to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success.
While many gyms in the Tri-Cities focus on the physical aspect of a client’s health, at House of Trainers, the team has a more holistic perspective – combining nutrition, mental health, and physical exercise for your overall wellbeing.
This comprehensive approach to your health highlights how fitness, diet, and mental wellness are all interconnected. In the context of fitness, specifically, it means understanding that your body's well-being relies on not just exercise but also the fuel you provide it and the lifestyle choices you make.
That’s a lot to digest, we know. So let’s break it down. Here are the perks of taking a holistic approach to your wellness journey, in no particular order.
Boost your physical performance
Maybe you’re training for one of Vancouver’s many marathons, or you just want to do a personal best when it comes to a squat, either way, embracing a holistic approach to your health has a direct impact on your physical performance. Making sure you’ve got the right mindset and nutrition to fuel your goals will give you the stamina, strength, and endurance to push you to your next milestone.
Recover faster
In addition to enhancing your physical performance, you can expect to see a faster recovery time as nutrient-dense foods will fuel your muscle repair and reduce inflammation. Less downtime and more time for deadlifts – perfect!
Add in Some Exercise
If you incorporate regular exercise into your routine, not only are you going to support your weight-loss efforts, but you will also improve the maintenance of muscle mass, boost your metabolism, and enhance overall fitness. So get to the gym!
Lose the weight and keep it off
There’s a reason crash diets, well, crash. It’s because they are not sustainable. When you approach your health in a holistic manner, you’re addressing issues at the root and finding solutions to move those roadblocks out of the way.
Improve your mental wellness
Have you ever noticed how much a bad day or week can impact your progress? The connection between nutrition, lifestyle, and mental health is profound. A well-balanced diet rich in nutrients supports brain function and mood regulation. Combine that with stress-management techniques, sleep training, and mindfulness, and you'll experience improved mental well-being, reduced stress levels, and enhanced focus.
Ah, the afternoon slump is something we have all experienced. That post-lunch lethargy is tough to overcome – and your diet and lifestyle may be to blame. Taking a holistic approach to your wellness journey will see many positive side effects, like optimized energy levels, making it easier to stay active and hit up that workout.
There’s no one-size-fits-all method. Every individual is unique, and a personalized plan is, hands down, the best way to achieve success. Our team of experts is here to guide and support you on your holistic wellness journey with three House programs tailored to your needs. The three tiers consist of our Foundations Plan ($59.99), our Growth Plan ($99.99) and the comprehensive Premiere Plan ($179.99). To learn more about the programs, or to book an assessment with one of the House trainers, visit today!