Don’t focus on the scale, focus on this: 5 things that mean success in your Fitness Journey
If it feels like you’re always looking down at the numbers on a scale, waiting for some shift to indicate you’ve made progress, it’s time to change your perspective.
When it comes to a fitness journey, the process includes so much more than just the numbers you see between your feet. Weight is one thing, sure, but there are other metrics that you need to think about when you’re measuring success.
Measurements – Using a tape measure, track the inches around your bust, waist, hips and anywhere else you want to focus on. Check in every week or so and you’ll be surprised at how much of an impact those workouts are making. Remember – muscle weighs more than fat, so while the numbers on the scale may not budge, it doesn’t mean you’re not toning up.
Fitness Goals – Mark milestones in your fitness journey to show how much you’ve improved – whether that’s being able to hold a plank for more than a minute now or if you can complete a set of burpees without having to stop and catch your breath. They may not be huge events, but those are important markers that indicate you are on the right path.
Prioritization of Health – If you have always struggled to make time for a workout but have been taking that much-needed time for yourself and your health, that’s a win. Consistency and accountability are key, and sometimes those two things are the hardest to maintain. So celebrate at the end of the week when you’ve crushed your sessions – it’s well deserved.
Getting Back into Your Favourite Jeans – Tucked away a favourite item of clothing that you just can’t part with, even though it doesn’t quite fit the way it used to? Use that as a motivator and a way to track your progress. Even seeing the difference in the clothes that do fit – does that shirt fit a bit looser? Are your pants a bit comfier to sit in? That is progress and it’s no easy feat.
How You Feel – If you’ve been struggling with feeling sluggish or unmotivated in the past, but are noticing a change in your stamina and mental health, there is no bigger motivation to continue with your fitness journey. Take a holistic approach to your health – it’s not just the scale that dictates progress, how you feel is a huge factor.
It can be easy to fixate on the numbers and a “goal” weight, but getting healthy and fit is so much more than that. Take the time to celebrate your wins, big or small, and ride that boost of confidence to your next fitness goal.
Looking to get some help? Book a complimentary assessment with House of Trainers today to get a jumpstart on your journey.