The Importance of Nutrition in Your Fitness Goal

When you’re trying to lose weight or start a fitness journey, you’ll have a lot of numbers thrown at you – whether that’s on the scale, while calculating your macros or timing your intervals during a workout.

It can be a lot of math. Who knew

But the reality is, all those numbers really do help you reach your goals, because nutrition is a huge part of how successful you.

If you feel like you’re spending too much time exercising and not seeing the results you want, then it may be time to try the 70/30 ratio: which is 70 per cent diet and 30 percent exercise.

This general rule is a good reminder that without proper nutrition and diet, weight loss won’t happen. And that is because you need a negative energy balance or calorie deficit of about 3,500 calories a week to shed a single pound. By using the ratio as a guide, the breakdown would have you reaching that 3,500-calorie goal mainly through diet with daily exercise to help.

And while some would prefer extra time on the treadmill over a meal plan, the truth is not as many people have the time to run 10 km a day to do it with exercise alone. And it takes a lot of exercise to burn 3,500 calories a week.

Sick of addition and subtraction? It’s not a test so it doesn’t need to be exact! Use the general rule as a guide and focus primarily on your diet through a food journal when you’re trying to lose weight. You can lose weight without intense exercise, but you cannot lose weight if your nutrition isn’t up to snuff.

A nutrition program is a great way to ensure you’re eating healthy and balanced meals that align with your goals and complement the work you do at the gym. House of Trainers is currently offering their Spring House Program for $46.99 – a fraction of its original price. The comprehensive guide includes a five-week lifestyle and nutrition program, five group fitness sessions, video guides, recipes and workout programs.


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