You’ve almost made it to the end of Week !



Happy Friday!

Congrats on completing your first week. Here comes your first challenge, the weekend. I know most of you and I know your lifestyles therefor it’s all about adapting and moderation as we go into the weekend (There is a great video on how to eat out, so make sure you watch it!).

If you enjoy weekend drinks and dining out, I want you to pick a day and continue to do so but only 1 out of the 3 days. If you are someone who doesn’t like to cook on the weekend, I challenge you to cook 2/3 days instead of ordering skip the dishes or going out for dinners/lunches/breakfast. This is where habits begin, creating a habit of not going out every day is going to be a huge success during these 5 weeks. If you need a helpful hint on how to do so, grab a piece of paper and write down the reason why you are doing this 5 week program.

A reminder to send back your goal sheet for me to review and help you. Along with your goal sheet if you can send me the photos you took (these are private and confidential) and your measurement sheets.

If you’re wanting extra accountability send me a quick email on Sunday evening with the attached sheet (weekend accountability)

Have fun this weekend and I can’t wait to get you started on week 2!